Medicon 2019 keynote

Posted on Oct 06, 2019 Talks

Medicon 2019

Medicon is a sizeable conference with an attendance of approximately 300 delegates. During this conference I had the privilige to give a key note on Digitally Empowered Patients.


Some have said that...

...the patient is the largest and most under-utilised resource in healthcare.

Chronic disease management programs aim to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce healthcare expenditure while improving quality of life by patient centric care. Smart algorithms can identify the persons at risk for one or more chronic conditions followed by a systematic care plan that promotes self-management by patients and address the illnesses or conditions with optimized clinical outcome.

Unfortunately, not every patient benefits from these programs. The variation is huge, although on average patients benefit from these programs, for some patients it seems  to have very little impact. A patients’ capability to self-manage, the level of activation  and engagement are important pre-requisites for a patient to benefit from a program.

How can a patient be optimally engaged to yield the most benefit from a care program?

Delivering personalized digital tools for activating a patient will enable the patient and care team to jointly achieve the care program objectives. In this talk we discuss the  establishment of Health Behaviour Profiles as an important step for personalized and  continuously tailored patient activation. 

Health Behaviour Profiles are individualized data structures that can be used to indicate non-adherence risk  and barriers to selfmanagement. Health Behaviour Profiles can also be used to personalize care pathways  in such a way that barriers are avoided and risk reduced.